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The Hemp Guy
Hemp News
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The Hemp Guy
federal hemp lobbyist since 2008
ontributing editor, writer, photographer
consultant, advisor, speaker, emcee
washington, dc + us & global networks
About the hemp guy
brief bio
Hemp In West Virginia
Photo by Ben Droz State Update: West Virginia grew 14 acres of hemp in 2017. VIENNA, West Virginia. (AP) - JAKE ZUCKERMAN, Charleston...
Senate Opposition on Cannabidiol
Fast Fact: The Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act of 2017, S. 1276, and currently has 7 Senate Cosponsors Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck...
Hemp Field Day in Indiana
Photo by Ben Droz WEST LAFAYETTE, Indiana Currently, industrial hemp can only be grown as a research crop in Indiana. Purdue researchers...
Charlotte's Web Medical Access Act
Fast Fact: the Charlotte's Web Medical Access Act of 2017, H.R. 2273, currently has 31 cosponsors; the Therapeutic Hemp Medical Access...
Bloomberg: Hemp A Billion Dollar Crop
The term "Billion Dollar Crop" was coined in a 1938 article in Popular Mechanics, which talked about the many emerging uses for...
Coevolution of Humans and Cannabis
Humans have co-evolved with life on earth, and this is no more apparent than with cannabis. I have been developing a theory that the hemp...
Mushrooms and Hemp Together Can Save the World
"Banning Hemp because it's related to marijuana is like banning portobello mushrooms because some mushrooms have psilocybin" While this...
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